Melbourne Tram Museum news

Classic cars on the concourse

The Melbourne Tram Museum hosted members of two car clubs for a special opening on the afternoon of Saturday 21 November 2009. Over thirty members of the Jowett Car Club and the Chevrolet Car Club of Victoria visited our museum for a day out, admiring a different form of historic transport to the kind they experience on their normal weekend activities. Turnout from our membership to assist on this special opening day was gratifying, with ten members showing on the day, guiding our visitors through the museum and serving them a bracing afternoon tea.

A highlight of the afternoon was a photo shoot of a number of the concours standard motor cars on the depot fan, with our brilliantly restored Melbourne cable dummy number 28 serving as a backdrop.

Like the members of many other clubs and associations who have visited the Melbourne Tram Museum on special open days, the visitors from the two car clubs by all accounts had a most enjoyable time. Officials of other clubs interested in arranging a special open day for their members can contact us via e-mail to

One Jowett and three Chevrolets on Hawthorn Depot Fan, with cable dummy 28 - 21 November 2009. Photograph courtesy VicTrack One Jowett and three Chevrolets on Hawthorn Depot Fan with cable dummy 28 on the afternoon of 21 November 2009.
Photograph courtesy VicTrack.